Designing The Perfect MenuDesigning The Perfect Menu

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Designing The Perfect Menu

Those brand new area rugs and that spiffy dining room paint job might look great, but all customers will remember about your restaurant is the food. Unfortunately, if you design a lackluster menu, your guests might not be tempted to try some of your best dishes. In my twenty years in the restaurant business, I have made some mistakes and had more than a few successes. I want to share the things with you that really work, so that you can enjoy your early days as a restaurant owner. Operating a restaurant is hard, but by heeding the right advice, you can enjoy the journey.


Want To Explore Caribbean Cuisine? 5 Dishes You Have To Try

The Caribbean consists of multiple different countries, all with different culinary traditions. If you want to really enjoy Caribbean cuisine, you need to try out numerous different dishes to get an idea of what this area of the world has to offer in terms of food.    Goat Stew   A meal that you can find in multiple different Caribbean countries is goat stew. How it is made varies depending on what island you are visiting. Read More 

5 Tips For Planning Catering For A Big Event

If you are putting on a big event where you will have over a hundred people in attendance, you will need to plan your catering carefully so that you can satisfy everyone. 1. Skip the Buffet With a large group, many people tend to a buffet to serve everyone. However, with a significant event, a buffet is not always the best way to go. With a buffet, people have to stand and wait in line for food. Read More 

Tips For Booking And Enjoying A Ride On A Fine Dining Train

When you ride on a fine dining train, you get to enjoy a delicious meal and views of the countryside, all at once! There are several dinner trains across the country. You can see everything from canyons to grassy meadows this way. To ensure you have a wonderful excursion, follow these tips when booking your tickets and riding along. Check the table size when booking tickets On most dinner trains, there are a few different table options. Read More 

Common Sauces You’ll See On Steakhouse Menus

While some people are definitely purists when it comes to their steak — they prefer to enjoy it alone without sauce — many do prefer some sort of sauce on their meat. As such, steakhouses often include various sauces on their menu. Sometimes these sauces may come paired with certain steaks, and other times they are offered a la carte. In either case, you may initially look down the list of sauces without quite understanding what each one is. Read More