Designing The Perfect MenuDesigning The Perfect Menu

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Designing The Perfect Menu

Those brand new area rugs and that spiffy dining room paint job might look great, but all customers will remember about your restaurant is the food. Unfortunately, if you design a lackluster menu, your guests might not be tempted to try some of your best dishes. In my twenty years in the restaurant business, I have made some mistakes and had more than a few successes. I want to share the things with you that really work, so that you can enjoy your early days as a restaurant owner. Operating a restaurant is hard, but by heeding the right advice, you can enjoy the journey.


3 Reasons To Use The Fold Hold For New York-Style Pizza

New Yorkers have strong feelings about the method used to eat the style of pizza that's associated with their city. In fact, they take it so seriously that the pizza-eating methods of the 2016 presidential candidates were a topic of heated discussion during the New York presidential primaries. Eating with your hands is definitely the preferred method – eating pizza with a knife and fork will attract derision from New York natives. The best way to do this is with the "fold hold" -- pick up the pizza and fold it in half lengthwise. Take a look at some of the reasons why the fold hold is the best way to eat New York-style pizza:

It Traps the Toppings

Have you ever picked up a slice of piping hot pizza and had the toppings slide right off while you were taking the first bite? Master the fold hold, and you'll never lose your toppings again. Folding the pizza in half traps the toppings inside of the crust, preventing them from dropping off your slice before you get to the crust.

If you find that folding the slice completely in half diminishes the taste of the cheese and toppings, it's possible to perform a partial fold. Grab the crust between your thumb and middle finger, and use your index finger to press on the center of the crust. This creates an arc that holds the toppings in but doesn't close the two sides of the slice completely, which allows you to get a more flavorful bite.

It Drains the Grease

A little grease is to be expected on a slice of New York-style pizza, and many pizza connoisseurs regard this as a feature, not a bug. But if you want to reduce the amount of grease on your pizza, folding the slice creates an effective channel for you to drain the excess off onto a napkin.

Your other option for removing extra grease is to blot the open slice with a napkin, but that's liable to result in a slice of pizza with bits of paper stuck to your pizza toppings. Using the folding method as a way to drain the grease is fast, efficient, and won't mess up your slice.

It Lets You Walk While You Eat

New York didn't get its reputation for being busy and bustling by accident. One of the biggest benefits of folding your slice is that this method allows you to eat pizza while walking without making a mess, which is great when you're in a rush. Grab a slice on your way to a meeting or in-between errands without worrying about waiting for a table.

You don't have to be in New York to enjoy New York-style pizza. The next time you're craving a quick slice, order a New York-style pie and practice your pizza-folding technique.