Designing The Perfect MenuDesigning The Perfect Menu

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Designing The Perfect Menu

Those brand new area rugs and that spiffy dining room paint job might look great, but all customers will remember about your restaurant is the food. Unfortunately, if you design a lackluster menu, your guests might not be tempted to try some of your best dishes. In my twenty years in the restaurant business, I have made some mistakes and had more than a few successes. I want to share the things with you that really work, so that you can enjoy your early days as a restaurant owner. Operating a restaurant is hard, but by heeding the right advice, you can enjoy the journey.


Tips for Taking an Elderly Grandparent Out for Dinner

Grandparents don't always get to leave the house as often as they'd like. Thus, taking your grandparent out to dinner at a local restaurant is a great way to show you care. Not only does your grandparent get to spend some time outside the home, but the two of you get to interact and share a meal together. To ensure the experience is safe and enjoyable for the both of you, read more about this topic and follow these tips when taking an elderly grandparent out to a restaurant:

Call ahead to make a reservation.

Even if you don't think the restaurant will be busy, it's best to make a reservation. This way, you know you won't have to stand in the lobby and wait for a table. Standing around for 10 or 20 minutes for a table is no big deal for a young person, but it can be hard for elderly grandparents with limited mobility. When you call to make the reservation, you can even mention that you're bringing a grandparent with you. Most restaurant staff members will take the hint and ensure your table is ready upon your arrival.

Tactfully ask if your grandparent needs help reading the menu.

This can be a touchy subject with some grandparents, so handle it carefully. You know your own grandparent and whether or not he or she has trouble reading. If your grandparent does have difficulty reading, offer to read the menu aloud. This way, you can be sure your grandparent orders what he or she really wants, rather than just the first thing he or she is able to decipher.

Give the server your credit card ahead of time if you're worried about your grandparent trying to pay.

Grandparents don't always make it easy to treat them to dinner! They often offer to pay, even though you're planning on paying. Instead of causing a scene with an argument over who is going to pay, simply slip your server your credit card before the check even comes. Alternatively, you can have your credit card out and handy, so you can pass it to the server the moment he or she comes to deliver your bill.

Dining out with your grandparent can be a very enjoyable experience. The two of you get to chat with few distractions, and you may hear stories from your grandparent that you've never heard before. By following the tips above, you avoid awkward and uncomfortable situations, and also make the dining experience easier on your grandparent.