Designing The Perfect MenuDesigning The Perfect Menu

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Designing The Perfect Menu

Those brand new area rugs and that spiffy dining room paint job might look great, but all customers will remember about your restaurant is the food. Unfortunately, if you design a lackluster menu, your guests might not be tempted to try some of your best dishes. In my twenty years in the restaurant business, I have made some mistakes and had more than a few successes. I want to share the things with you that really work, so that you can enjoy your early days as a restaurant owner. Operating a restaurant is hard, but by heeding the right advice, you can enjoy the journey.


Scientifically Delicious: Three Reasons Why Pizza Is So Delicious

Pizza is one of Canada's most beloved foods. Science actually backs up our love affair with pizza, and even helps pizza makers improve their preparation and cooking methods.

The type of cheese used, the ratio of toppings to crust, and browning effect of the Maillard Reaction all contribute to the irresistible deliciousness of pizza. Here are the reasons why you just can't resist reaching for another slice.

Cheese Chemistry

Two New Zealand scientists have actually discovered what cheeses and cheese combinations result in the best-tasting pizzas. In their study, they examined seven different types of cheese for oiliness, moisture, elasticity, and transition during temperature change. They determined that mozzarella cheese resulted in the tastiest and most aesthetically-pleasing pie. This is because mozzarella cheese is elastic with a perfect intertwining of proteins and fats, leading to a perfect bubbling.

If you want a pizza with a different flavor, you can use a combination of mozzarella and another cheese type. This way, you benefit from mozzarella's unique properties while also infusing desired gourmet flavors.

Math and Pi(e)

In 2013, a mathematician released a formula for the perfectly-proportioned pizza. It all comes down to the simple ratio of pizza toppings to crust.

She compared an 11-inch pizza with a 14-inch pizza and determined that when pizza makers create larger pies, they should make the crust thinner. This is because toppings are spread out more on larger pizzas than on smaller ones. On the flip side, when pizza makers create smaller pies, they should make the crust thicker because toppings are denser.

By altering the proportions, a pizza maker can optimize the flavor in each and every bite. To use this formula, pizza makers need only the amount of dough and amount of toppings to determine what size crust will result in the most flavorful, proportional pizza.

Positive Reactions

Pizza is one of Canada's most well-loved foods. You do not need a scientific study to tell you that pizza is deliciously captivating, but science certainly does back up your opinion.

The Maillard Reaction explains why pizza is so good. When cheeses, dough, and meats are exposed to high heat, the amino acids and sugars undergo a chemical reaction that releases an incredible amount of flavors that are otherwise untapped. This phenomenon increases the tastiness of all pizzas, from deep dish to thin crust, and unlocks flavors no matter what toppings you choose to add.